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#The notebook movie download hd torrent for free#
You can download Notebook songs from YouTube or Soundcloud for free if you like the movie songs. Notebook has included six songs in the movie to express characters’ feelings. Generally, romance movie songs are popular because they are heart-touching love songs. Related: Top 20 Hindi Movies in 2019 (Updated on June 27) N otebook 2019 Movie Songs Download Cast: Zaheer Iqbal, Pranutan Bahl, Muazzam Bhat.They write down their words on the notebook to communicate with the other side.

Things take a turn when he finds a notebook, left behind by the previous year’s teacher. They communicate through a notebook and fall in love with each other.Īn ex-army officer becomes a teacher of Kashmir’s school, which is in a miserable condition. Will love happen when the boy and girl have never met each other? Notebook is the story between two persons who haven’t met before. Let’s find Notebook movie online and get Notebook movie download to enjoy this beautiful Indian love story. Notebook is said to be the most beautiful love story.